Friday, September 19, 2008


Can I just say, I really hate politics. More than anything I hate the way that it divides people. People on one side suddenly seem to think it is OK to name call and say hateful things about the other side, and ordinarily kind hearted people seem to turn sort of ugly when it comes to whomever they disagree with.

I have found that even some authors I ordinarily love like Anne Lammott I just cannot read when they start delving into the political realm. It feels to me like on both the liberal and the conservative side it is just too easy for people to start labelling those who do not agree with their point of view as wrong or bad. I am not sure what happened to the civilized discussion of ideas but it seems to have gotten lost somewhere along the way. One of my favorite bloggers wrote about this and I agree with her, she says it better and funnier than I do so you can read it here.

Many people start out their tirades saying they do not want to judge and then proceed to do exactly that. It all leaves me feeling nauseous. In some ways I just hope that whoever will cause the largest number of hate mongering people to be quiet will win. I am tired of walking around feeling queasy all the time.

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