Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Starting to write

Lately, I have been sensing that I just need to start writing.  There has been this theme of story running through my life, and hitting me from all directions. I believe that every one of us has a story and that we are meant to share them with one another, that your story and mine have value.  

The title of this blog has multiple meanings to me, it reflects both what I am, and what I wish I were, how I see myself and how I believe others see me, what I show the world and what lies  beneath the surface.  

I took a couple of those random personality tests that you can find online, these particular ones were geared at telling you if you are an introvert or an extrovert, the first one said I am extremely introverted and the second that I am an extrovert, who does not examine my internal life.  The truth is I have both sides,  but as I looked at the results all I could think was: I don't know what I really am, and neither do these tests.  

So my hope is that as I begin to write and just pour out my thoughts perhaps I will get a little better picture of who I am through my own words.  I am not writing for an audience but if you happen to find this page, welcome to my story.  

Part of what I am hoping here is to discover what makes me so afraid to live my own story.  One of my greatest fears is that when I get to the end of my life I will have lived a mediocre life.  All too often though I settle for the safe.  Sometimes because I am afraid, but too often I think I am just lazy.  I hate that about myself.  Truthfully,  are a lot of things I hate about me.  Making a list of those things is way easier than making a list of things I like.  But in the spirit of truth here is what I hate about me:

I can be incredibly selfish, especially toward my husband. I often think I want my own happiness more than his, or I want to do what I want to do without regard for him.

I can fall into laziness, I have many things I want to do in my head, but when I have time I don't do them.  This is especially true of household projects like repainting or cleaning out the shed in the back.

I do not really trust God: it makes me wonder sometimes if I can really call myself a Christian when I can be so filled with so much doubt so often.even thought I say I am a Christian.  

I let fear hold me back way too often.

I judge people way more often than I would lie to admit to.  Usually it is the people I disagree with that I judge most harshly and I feel sort of justified in doing it.  But it is still wrong, and I hate that in my heart I can be so critical.  

I am afraid to really let go and allow myself to do anything wholeheartedly, like dance, or sing, or draw.

I value what other people think way too much.

I have let myself get out of shape and fat, and I hate the way I look.

I think I may be boring.  That seems like a horrible thing to be to me.

I want to be brilliant at something but I think I am middle of the road at just about everything.  I hate it.  

Sometimes, I don't feel happy for other people when good things happen to them, I pretend that I do because it is how I wished I felt.  This seems to be true especially when I don't think they deserve it, or if it is something I would like to happen to me.  I hate it when I feel like this.  I would really like to be genuinely happen for anyone something good happens to.  

Enough hate for one night. the next real challenge is to try and write that other list. Now that is going to take some God intervention.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I consider, that you are not right. Let's discuss it.