Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Living In The Moment

This Saturday Lloyd and I are leaving for a vacation.  We are going on an eight day cruise to Alaska with Lloyd's family. Lloyd's Mom and Dad are treating us all to this amazing journey, and until a few days ago I was letting the blessing of it escape me.  Sometimes I do that.  I was letting the stress of preparing for the trip, and being away from work, and being away from the dogs take away the joy of what is a very big blessing.  Luckily,  I caught myself.  I realized how crappy it sounds to not be looking forward to a trip that is something many people wait a lifetime to experience.  I know, go ahead and agree you would shake your head at someone who was complaining to you about taking a vacation.

So I have decided to stop thinking about the things that stress me about being gone and to just enjoy this.  Revel in getting to see a part of the world I  probably will never experience again.  Be open to the joy.  Live it, breathe it. Blessing.

This trip truly has become a gift in so many ways.  One of my stresses about going was the expense for all the incidentals, etc. and the fact that since I won't be working and Lloyd won't be at the shop  we also won't make any money while we are gone. We also had to repair both our electricity and air conditioning system unexpectedly this past week.   A few days ago  we get a call from Lloyd's Dad, turns out there was a small inheritance from his grandmother in Holland that finally arrived this week for he and his brother.  Just enough to cover our costs for the trip, amazing.  Blessing.

Finally, the last piece of my stress puzzle is my dogs and who would take care of them.  Hogan is on five medications due to his heart condition so it is no small task.  I called my Mom who had been in Missouri the entire summer taking care of my niece and nephew, I asked if she would consider coming here.  She said yes, so my Mom is flying in from Missouri and my stepfather is driving in from Reno so that they can spend a week at our house dog-sitting for us, yes, dog-sitting.  Who does that? Blessing.  

So, I have no excuses, no reasons left for stressing as hard as I may look.  Learning to walk in the blessing.  

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