Monday, August 18, 2008

Plumbing Problems

We had to replace our water heater today. We discovered it was leaking last night.  No idea how long it has been that way.  I spent the day working out of the house while  the guy installed  the new one, and I realized I feel pretty blah.  Not sure why.  It might be that I have a friend who lost a baby last week, or the fact that I had looked forward to our trip to Europe for so long and now it is over, or that I need to make some changes in my life and I keep putting them off.  I have not really been feeling good since we got home so maybe that is it. I booked my next trip to Jamaica so I would have thought that would inspire some joy, but it didn't.  All I can think is I have a lot of things coming up and they are all going to require work and it just makes me feel tired.  I don't know the cause  hopefully it is just a transitory mood, but I feel like our water heater, I am leaking out my joy and I need to find where the hole is and fix it; or maybe I am more like our whole house and I need a copper repipe job.  Hmmm what would that look like?

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