Saturday, May 30, 2009

NG- Not Good

Sometimes as my boss said to me this week life just feels like "one big shit storm" this week was one of those for me.  By the end of the week I just had to laugh; you think you cannot take one more thing, but then the one more thing comes anyway, and somehow you do.  You take it, you make it, and feeling a little battled and bruised you just keep going.  

This week contained all of the following in no particular order:  the funeral of a friend who I greatly admired that I did not get to go to; being in charge of moving my entire office(which has it's own entire set of dramas built in); trying to figure out how to pay a pile of bills for our company without enough money to pay them; having to lay off an employee and then having him turn around and threaten us; Lloyd's Dad  starting chemo for bone cancer; trying to continue to get all of the work that needed to be done for our company,  my bosses,  and our non-profit in the midst of living out of boxes; Lloyd's Dad ending up in the hospital with an infection; and locking myself out of  the new office the first day we moved in.

The last one is the one where I just had to laugh, it was Friday evening about 5:45, just finished moving, putting away a few things getting ready to head home, I go down the hall with my woman's room key (which I had finally gotten  from the building manager, I had to go pee-pee begging the entire day) grateful for my new bathroom key I get back to our office go to open the door, and it is locked.  I of course try it again.  Then I try the bathroom key, being it is the only one I have.  Then I stand there and say, "crap".  Of course, my purse, phone, car keys, are all locked inside the office.  I run down the stairs to the office manager's , the door is locked, of course it is.  I go back upstairs and stare at the door and wonder what the heck I am going to do.   I drag my dirty, exhausted self down the hall looking for an office that might be open.  I find an attorney's office and walk in.  "Hi, I am the idiot who just moved in down the hall from you, and I have managed to lock myself out of the office  on the first day, do you know who we can call to  get me back in at 6:00 on a Friday evening?"  They dial the building manager on her cell and I repeat the story of my idiocy.  She says she will try and get back over as soon as she can, maybe in half an hour r so depending on traffic.  I thank the receptionist for calling and she shares with me that she has done the same thing and shows me the secret of the door lock, we are now forever bonded as fellow dumbasses.  I go back down the hall to sit outside my door.  As I sit there,  I look at my legs and realize I am covered in bruises I have no idea how I got, my shirt is covered in dirt, and I am starving because I  have not eaten anything all day, and I have no money on me.  I start to laugh.  

About 20 minutes later, Rosa, from the janitorial service shows up to let me in and she is really nice and does not mock me at all.  I think we are going to be friends.  Finally, I get in the office and in my car and on my way home.  I call my friend to share my day and tell her about my idiocy, she says "that sounds like something Bridget Jones would do"  which makes me laugh, and somehow makes the whole episode worth it.  I may be hungry, bruised and stupid but I am a survivor, just like Bridget.