Friday, November 7, 2008

Got Hope?

You know that noise that you heard in the Charlie Brown cartoons whenever an adult was talking to one of the kids? That is what I hear when it comes to politics. I have been surrounded by a lot of people who have felt very passionate about one candidate or the other, they are all wrapped up in it and I just haven't ever gotten there. Not that I don't have opinions, I do.

I am glad that our new president won in many ways. I think it was time we had a President who is not a white male, and I hope the fact he is not does something toward creating a better dialogue about race in our country. So, I am happy for those who pinned their hopes on that. I cried when I saw the tears of joy of the civil rights leaders after Obama won, I think they ahve earned this moment in history. We still have a long way to go, but I am glad for this moment. I also like the way he talks and inspires people to feel hopeful about our country, he seems to be good at that. Maybe in this time that is what we need, obviously it is what most of our country wants.

The problem for me is I could not get behind him from an intellectual perspective. I don't agree with his economic philosophy. I am hoping I am wrong about what it means for us as small business owners and for our country as a democratic society. I just don't happen to think that government is very good at solving problems like poverty and injustice. They waste way too much in the process, and too often they create a dependence that starts an unending cycle. I have seen people who are much more effective at an individual level and I think that when we start to believe that it is the government's role many people abdicate their personal responsisbility for these issues. I believe in the basic goodness of the people of this country and I think we as "the people" can do a better job than the government. I don't think the Republicans do a good job either, their philosophy just comes closer to my fundamental belief in individual rights and responsibility.

The truth is I had a really hard time working up any strong feelings for either party in this election. I started to ask myself why when everyone around me was getting all worked up do I feel so ambivalent. Then it struck me, they do not have my hope. My hope is not in Barack Obama, or John McCain, or the government, or the economy or even the world. My hope lies in the one who could topple them all with a breath if he so chose. That is where my hope is and that is where I am keeping it. So, I sympathize with all of my friends who are disappointed and stressing and I am happy for all my friends who are rejoicing and gloating, but me I am just resting right where I was before it began and right where I will be when it is over.

I have a hope.